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Undergraduate Mentoring in Environmental Biology

Description: National Science Foundation, Undergraduate Minorities in Environmental Biology Program. ³Recruiting Native Americans into the Environmental sciences,² Ray Pierotti, KU, and Larry Erickson, K-State. NSF Proposal Number 0203404.

Despite a long tradition of knowledge about ecological and environmental phenomena, Native Americans are one of the most under-represented groups among undergraduate science majors, graduate students, and science faculty. Under this program, excellent students will be identified who have an interest in training for a career in either basic or applied research in environmental science or ecology.

The NSF-UMEB project will (1) incorporate undergraduate students in research projects in the U.S. and abroad, (2) help students take classes at KU and K-State that cannot yet be offered by the new HINU Environmental Studies Program, and (3) to help prepare undergraduates to enter into the master's program in Indigenous Nations Studies at KU, and to master's programs in the environmental sciences at both KU and K-State.


The Mentors

Larry Erickson
Phone: 785-532-4313
Chemical Engineering
105 Durland Hall
Kansas State University
Manhattan KS 66506

Larry Davis
Phone: 785-532-6124
Fax: 785-532-7278
428 Chem/Biochem
Kansas State University
Manhattan KS 66506

Ray Pierotti
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Haworth Hall
University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas 66045

Dan Wildcat
American Indian Studies
Haskell Indian Nations University
Lawrence, Kansas 66046

UMEB Projects

Altai Republic, Russia
Contact Ray Pierotti, Larry Erickson, or Dan Wildcat

Faculty from these programs have formed a consortium to create the first international program for Native American students at Haskell Indian Nations University. This program involves exchanges between HINU and Gorno-Altaisk State University in Russia. The emphasis has been on providing opportunities for students to conduct studies on water quality and health issues that reflect shared concerns between indigenous peoples in North America and Siberia, and on Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Indigenous People of Siberia and North America.

The University of Kansas LTREB
Contact Ray Pierotti

Students interested in field research in ecology or wildlife biology will be guided into research programs at the University of Kansas, supervised by the Ray Pierotti and other faculty who have agreed to participate.

Kansas State University Center for Hazardous Substance Research

Students interested in applied environmental problems, including soil and water contamination and methods of remediation will be directed to programs at Kansas State University under supervision of Larry Erickson, Larry Davis, and faculty from the Hazardous Substance Research Center.


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